Title IX Policies
Title IX Documents
Complaint of Title IX Violation Form
This form initiates the formal complaint process and may only be completed by a Complainant (person individually harmed by an alleged violation of the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy). Complainants may print this form. Forms must contain contact information for the Complainant, provide a location where the violation occurred, the date of when the violation occurred, and be signed by the Complainant. Forms may be submitted by email to the Title IX Coordinator.
Report of Title IX Sexual Harassment Violation
This form is to report an alleged violation of the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy. Reporting person may print this form. Forms must contain contact information for the reporting person, provide a location where the violation occurred, the date of when the violation occurred, and be signed by the reporting person. Forms may be submitted by email to the Title IX Coordinator.
TITLE IX Grievance Procedures for Student Reports or Complaints of Sexual Harassment
This document defines the procedures to be taken by the the Title IX Coordinator, Investor(s), and/or Decision Maker(s) when a Claiborne Parish School Board staff member or employee has actual knowledge of sexual harassment as defined in this document.