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  • Accelerated Reader management

    Accelerated Reader puts students in the driver’s seat. You guide students, while engaging quizzes and activities help hone students’ reading skills with authentic practice—encouraging growth.


  • ADAM Exam Administration

    Advanced Delivery and Management Exam Administration

  • Clever

    Single Sign on Solution for Learnzillion and the Dibels Data System

  • Coursewhere

    The Louisiana Department of Education Online Registration System

  • Documents and Guides

    Documents and Guides contains the Accomodations Spreadsheet, CPSB Daily Lesson Plan, and the JGradebook Guide

  • EAGLE (Teacher Login)

    EAGLE 2.0 Teacher Login for creating computer based tests for the classroom.

  • ELA Unit Plan Templates

    LDOE ELA Unit Plan Templates for Grades 3 - 5, 6 - 8, and Highschool English

  • JGrade Book

    Electronic Grade Book

  • Odysseyware

    Odysseyware Supports The Whole Learner. Odysseyware Blended Learning Solution. Blended Learning. Odysseyware Social-Emotional Solution.

  • PBS Teachers

    Bring the World to Your Classroom
    LPB and PBS have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachers like you.


    FREE content, curriculum, and tools to power teaching and learning from Kindergarten to 12th Grade

  • Requested EBooks

    Curated library of ebooks requested by our teachers

  • Requested Videos

    Curated library of videos requested by our teachers

  • SafeSchools - Professional Development System

    The safety of our staff and students is of utmost importance. That's why we're pleased to offer the SafeSchools Online Training System to our employees. We're confident you'll find these courses to be informative and helpful towards maintaining a safe learning environment.

  • Student Learning Target Exemplars

    Academic Statndards and Grade Level Expectations

  • Teacher Support Toolbox

    The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) is committed to providing educators with the supports and resources they need to continue raising the bar for students in Louisiana. The Teacher Support Toolbox provides teachers with direct links to the tools and resources to accomplish this goal.

  • Teachers Pay Teachers

    TpT is the go-to place for educators to find the resources, knowledge, and inspiration they need to teach at their best. We offer more than 3 million free and paid resources, created by educators who understand what works in the classroom. Our marketplace is growing every day to meet the evolving needs of the PreK-12 classroom. When educators get the resources and support they need, they're best equipped to inspire our next generation of learners.

  • TeacherTube

    We seek to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners. It is a site to provide anytime, anywhere professional development with teachers teaching teachers. As well, it is a site where teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order to learn a concept or skill.

  • Virtual Job Shadow empowers individuals to discover, plan and pursue their dreams with our unique video-based career planning platform. Our interactive tools help students and job seekers develop career paths based on choice, not chance.